Fad Diets

Keto, intermittent fasting, paleo, juice cleanses—these are just a few examples of fad diets that you’ve likely encountered. In this video, Performance Dietitian Dr. Kirsty Fairbairn provides a voice of reason amidst the noise of quick-fix solutions to health and wellbeing.

So, what exactly defines a fad diet? These diets typically promise rapid results, often by excluding or severely restricting certain food groups, and they enforce rigid rules that primarily focus on weight loss. The underlying mechanism for their apparent success? They place the body in a calorie deficit—meaning you’re burning more energy than you’re consuming, which leads to weight loss.

But here’s the truth: You can lose weight while still enjoying the foods you eat every day. There’s no need to cut out entire food groups, like carbohydrates, to achieve your goals.

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